Why Is My Bearded Dragon Pressing Against the Glass?

Are you noticing some strange behavior from your bearded dragon lately? Perhaps it’s pressing against the glass with what seems like urgency, raising questions in your mind.

You’re not alone! Many first-time owners find this behavior peculiar, even worrying.

Let’s unravel the mystery behind this odd action by understanding what your pet might be trying to communicate.

5 Explanations for Your Bearded Dragon Pressing Against the Glass

  • Exploratory Behavior
    Many times, your bearded dragon might be pressing against the glass due to its exploratory nature. They are naturally curious creatures who enjoy exploring their surroundings.
  • Incorrect Habitat Setup
    The habitat setup, including the temperature, humidity, and lighting, can cause discomfort. If it’s not according to their needs, they might press against the glass to escape.
  • Feeling Threatened or Stressed
    Bearded dragons can feel threatened due to changes in their environment. In response, they may press against the glass, signaling that they are stressed or anxious.
  • Boredom or Lack of Stimulation
    Bearded dragons require mental stimulation, which can be provided through toys, interaction, or environment change. Without these, they might press against the glass due to boredom.
  • Breeding Behavior
    If your bearded dragon is of breeding age, they might press against the glass as a part of their breeding behavior. This activity can be commonly seen during their breeding season.

How to Comfort a Bearded Dragon Pressing Against the Glass

Knowing that your bearded dragon’s glass surfing can cause stress, it’s important to comfort them promptly. Firstly, try adjusting the tank’s temperature. Both too hot and too cold environments can make your pet uneasy. A basking spot of 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit and a cooler side of 75 to 85 degrees should work perfectly.

Next, consider adding more hiding spots. They provide a place to escape and can significantly reduce anxiety. Also, rearrange the decorations in your pet’s habitat from time to time. This change can keep your bearded dragon mentally stimulated, reducing the need for glass surfing.

Remember, your pet also needs physical activity outside the tank. Give them supervised time to explore. Lastly, don’t neglect the possibility of a health issue. If your bearded dragon’s behavior continues, seek advice from a vet. These comfort measures should help you alleviate your bearded dragon’s stress, promoting a happier, healthier pet.

To further extend your knowledge about bearded dragons, here are a few more to explore:

Each post offers in-depth insights, giving you all the details you need to take good care of your beardie.

Remember to research and prepare for your pet’s specific needs, and you’ll have a happy and healthy companion for years to come.

Happy pet-keeping!