Why Does My Bearded Dragon Keep Bumping Into The Glass?

Ever found yourself puzzled, watching your bearded dragon repeatedly bump against the glass of its enclosure? You’re not alone in this concern. As a pet parent, it’s correct to question such behavior.

Let’s dive into the reasons behind this quirky habit. Together, we’ll unravel the mystery surrounding this peculiar action.

5 Possible Reasons Your Bearded Dragon Keeps Bumping Into The Glass

  • Glass Surfing Behavior: This is a common behavior exhibited by bearded dragons when they are stressed or anxious. Changes in their environment or lack of mental stimulation could be potential causes.
  • Poor Vision: Bearded dragons don’t have the best vision, and they can’t recognize glass as a barrier. Ensure the tank’s interior is well-lit and familiar to your bearded dragon to support their navigational abilities.
  • Reflections in the Glass: Your bearded dragon might mistake its own reflection for another dragon, causing it to bump into the glass. Try using non-reflective glass or adjusting the lighting to minimize reflections.
  • Seeking Attention: Bearded dragons are social creatures and might bump into the glass to grab your attention. Regularly interact with your pet, handle them gently, and allow them some time outside their enclosure.
  • Desire to Explore: If your bearded dragon’s enclosure is too small, they may bump into the glass in an attempt to explore. Ensure your pet’s home is spacious enough for them to move around comfortably.

How to Stop Your Bearded Dragon from Bumping into the Glass

After identifying the reasons behind your bearded dragon constantly bumping into the glass, it’s essential to find effective solutions.

First, consider adjusting your pet’s habitat. If the temperature or humidity isn’t quite right, make necessary changes. You can use a thermometer or humidity gauge to ensure optimal conditions.

Next, enrich their environment. Introduce climbing structures or toys to keep them entertained, reducing the urge to escape their enclosure.

If overfeeding is the issue, adjust your bearded dragon’s diet. Consult a vet or a specialist to ensure your pet is receiving the right amount of food.

Lastly, remember to spend quality time with your pet. Regular handling can help reduce their stress and glass surfing behavior.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a more comfortable and engaging environment for your bearded dragon, helping to prevent this unsettling behavior.

To further extend your knowledge about bearded dragons, here are a few more to explore:

Each post offers in-depth insights, giving you all the details you need to take good care of your beardie.

Remember to research and prepare for your pet’s specific needs, and you’ll have a happy and healthy companion for years to come.

Happy pet-keeping!