How Many Strawberries to Feed a Bearded Dragon?

Feeding your bearded dragon the right amount of strawberries is crucial for their overall health and well-being. It may leave you wondering, “how many strawberries should a bearded dragon eat?”

Worry not, because I’ve spent countless hours researching and gathering information to guide fellow pet lovers like you on this very topic.

In this blog, we’ll explore the appropriate number of strawberries for bearded dragons at different life stages, tips, and factors.

So, let’s get started!

How Many Strawberries to Feed a Bearded Dragon

Number of Strawberries Should a Bearded Dragon Eat

The number of strawberries required by a bearded dragon depends on their life stage. Here are five key points to consider when feeding strawberries to your bearded dragon:

  1. Give baby bearded dragons 10-15 crickets per feeding, two to three times daily, ensuring they are appropriately-sized, which is about the length between the dragon’s eyes.
  2. Feed juvenile bearded dragons 10-20 crickets per feeding twice a day, with the crickets being no larger than the space between their eyes.
  3. Supplement sub-adult bearded dragons with 20-30 crickets per feeding, reducing the feeding frequency to once a day, and maintaining the appropriate cricket size.
  4. Offer adult bearded dragons approximately 20-30 crickets per feeding, two to three times a week, ensuring the crickets are not too large for their size.
  5. Add variety to the bearded dragon’s diet by incorporating a mix of insects, vegetables, and fruits, which ensures a balanced and nutritious meal plan.

Factors Affecting Strawberries Consumption

Several factors can impact the number of strawberries your bearded dragon should consume. Keep these variables in mind when determining the appropriate strawberries quantity:

  • Availability of strawberries
  • Bearded dragon’s age
  • Bearded dragon’s health
  • Frequency of feeding
  • Palatability of strawberries
  • Nutritional requirements
  • Individual preferences
  • Proper diet education
  • Temperature and climate
  • Quality and freshness of strawberries

Feeding Strawberries to Bearded Dragons: A Guide for Each Life Stage

To help you better understand how many strawberries to feed your bearded dragon during each stage of their life cycle, I’ve created a clear and concise table below.

Refer to this table as a guideline for strawberries consumption based on your pet’s age:

Life Stage Age Average Size Strawberries
Feeding Frequency
Baby Bearded Dragons 0–3 months 3–11 inches 0-1 per feeding 0-1 times per day
Juvenile Bearded Dragons 3–12 months 11–16 inches 1-2 per feeding 1-2 times per day
Sub-adult Bearded Dragons 12–20 months 16–20 inches 1-2 per feeding 0-1 times per day
Adult Bearded Dragons 20+ months 18–24 inches 1-2 per feeding 0-1 times per day

Note: These figures are general guidelines. Monitor your bearded dragon’s weight and appetite to ensure they’re receiving proper nutrition.

1. How Many Strawberries to Feed a Baby Bearded Dragon (Hatchling)?

You can feed your 0-3 months old baby bearded dragon strawberries 0-1 times per day, offering 0-1 strawberries per feeding. It is important to take into account the age and nutritional needs of your pet when determining the appropriate amount and frequency of this fruit in their diet.

2. How Many Strawberries to Feed a Juvenile Bearded Dragon?

You can feed your 3-12 months old juvenile bearded dragon 1-2 strawberries per feeding, and this can be done 1-2 times per day. This ensures that your bearded dragon receives an appropriate amount of strawberries in its diet, without overfeeding or causing any potential health issues.

3. How Many Strawberries to Feed a Sub-adult Bearded Dragon?

You can feed your 12-20 months old sub-adult bearded dragon 1-2 strawberries per feeding and offer them 0-1 times per day. This ensures that your pet receives a moderate amount of fruit in its diet, providing essential nutrients without overindulging.

4. How Many Strawberries to Feed a Adult Bearded Dragon?

You can feed your 20+ months old adult bearded dragon 1-2 strawberries per feeding, and this can be done 0-1 times per day. This ensures that your bearded dragon receives an appropriate and healthy amount of strawberries without overfeeding them, maintaining their overall health and well-being.

Feeding Tips

Feeding strawberries to your beardie can be easy and efficient if you follow these helpful tips:

  1. Choose organic strawberries to avoid pesticides.
  2. Wash strawberries thoroughly before feeding.
  3. Chop strawberries into small, manageable pieces.
  4. Feed strawberries occasionally, as treat.
  5. Combine strawberries with other fruits and veggies.

Following these tips will make the process of feeding strawberries to your bearded dragon easy, safe, and efficient, while ensuring they get the essential nutrients required for their health and growth.

Diversifying Your Beardies Diet

While focusing on one food item might seem convenient, it’s essential to provide your bearded dragon with a diverse diet to ensure proper nutrition and well-being. In this section, we’ll explore alternative insects, vegetables, and greens to create a balanced diet:


  1. Crickets
  2. Mealworms
  3. Dubia Roaches

Vegetables and Greens

  1. Bell Peppers
  2. Collard Greens
  3. Butternut Squash


1. Why is My Bearded Dragon not Eating Strawberries?

Your bearded dragon may not be eating strawberries due to a lack of interest, as individual tastes and preferences vary between reptiles. Additionally, the size or texture of the strawberries could be preventing your pet from consuming them. It’s also important to consider that bearded dragons primarily eat insects and vegetables, with fruit serving only as an occasional treat. If your bearded dragon continues to avoid eating strawberries, try offering a more varied diet with other fruits, vegetables, and insects to ensure proper nutrition.

2. How do I Store Strawberries for Feeding?

Your bearded dragon may not be eating strawberries due to a lack of interest, as individual tastes and preferences vary between reptiles. Additionally, the size or texture of the strawberries could be preventing your pet from consuming them. It’s also important to consider that bearded dragons primarily eat insects and vegetables, with fruit serving only as an occasional treat. If your bearded dragon continues to avoid eating strawberries, try offering a more varied diet with other fruits, vegetables, and insects to ensure proper nutrition.

3. How to Feed Strawberries to a Bearded Dragon?

Your bearded dragon may not be eating strawberries due to a lack of interest, as individual tastes and preferences vary between reptiles. Additionally, the size or texture of the strawberries could be preventing your pet from consuming them. It’s also important to consider that bearded dragons primarily eat insects and vegetables, with fruit serving only as an occasional treat. If your bearded dragon continues to avoid eating strawberries, try offering a more varied diet with other fruits, vegetables, and insects to ensure proper nutrition.

Recommended Readings:

By reading these articles, you can expand your knowledge on the best dietary practices for keeping your bearded dragon healthy and thriving throughout their life stages.

You can check other foods quantity that your beardie can eat by clicking here.

I hope you found this guide on feeding strawberries to bearded dragons helpful.

I’d love to hear about your experiences and get your insights on bearded dragon care. Please feel free to share your thoughts, tips, and stories in the comments section below.
