What Fruits Do Bearded Dragons Eat? A Guide to Their Fruit Diet

Taking care of a bearded dragon involves providing them with a balanced and nutritious diet to keep them healthy and happy. 

While the main portion of their diet consists of insects and leafy greens, introducing fruits as occasional treats can add variety and nutritional value to their meals.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the diverse range of fruits that bearded dragons can eat safely and the benefits they offer. Remember, each bearded dragon is unique, so it’s vital to monitor their individual preferences and consider any specific dietary requirements they may have.


  • Bearded dragons can eat a variety of fruits, but these should only make up a small portion of their overall diet.
  • Fruits are excellent sources of hydration, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber for bearded dragons.
  • Blueberries, mango, and pomegranate are rich in vitamins and fiber, providing additional nutritional value to a bearded dragon’s diet.
  • Exercise caution with fruits that have high sugar content, such as bananas and grapes, offering them in moderation.
  • Stick to feeding fruits that are low in oxalates and phosphorus and high in calcium, such as figs, pears, papaya, and berries.

Now, let’s jump into the exciting world of fruits suitable for your scaly companion!

Best fruits for bearded dragons

When it comes to choosing fruits for your beardie, you want to prioritize those that provide high nutritional value with low levels of oxalates and phosphorus. Some of the best fruits to include in their diet are:

Bearded Dragon fruit diet - What fruits do bearded dragon eat

Fruits with safe calcium-to-phosphorus ratio

Bearded dragons require a specific calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in their diet to maintain proper bone health. Look for fruits with a higher calcium content and a low phosphorus ratio, which ensures the absorption of calcium is not hindered. 

Here are some fruits that meet these criteria:

  • Figs: These delicious fruits offer a favorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, making them a great choice for your bearded dragon’s occasional treat.
  • Papaya: Not only is papaya rich in nutrients, but it also provides a suitable calcium-to-phosphorus balance, making it a nutritious fruit option.
  • Elderberries: These small berries are packed with antioxidants and have a good calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, making them a beneficial choice for your pet.
  • Guava: This tropical fruit has a favorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio and is also rich in vitamin C. It can be offered in small amounts as a treat for your bearded dragon.
  • Blackberries: These juicy berries provide a good balance of calcium to phosphorus and are loaded with antioxidants. They make for a tasty and nutritious addition to your pet’s diet.
  • Mulberries: Another berry option, mulberries offer a suitable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio and are packed with vitamins and minerals. Your bearded dragon can enjoy these as a treat.

Remember, even though these fruits have a favorable ratio, they should still be offered in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Monitoring your bearded dragon’s response to new fruits is key to ensuring their well-being.

Fruits rich in vitamins and fiber

In addition to calcium, bearded dragons require a balanced intake of essential vitamins and dietary fiber. Here are some fruits that can contribute to their nutrient requirements:

  • Blueberries: These antioxidant-rich fruits are a fantastic source of vitamins A and C, and dietary fiber, providing your bearded dragon with a healthy boost.
  • Mango: With its deliciously tropical flavor, mango is not only a favorite among humans but also a good source of vitamins A and C. It’s best to offer small amounts occasionally due to its higher sugar content.
  • Pomegranate: Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, pomegranate can make a nutritious treat for your bearded dragon. Remember to remove the seeds before offering, as the hard seeds can be difficult to chew and digest.
  • Apricots: These sweet and juicy fruits contain vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. Ensure they are ripe and remove the pit before offering to your bearded dragon.
  • Strawberries: These delicious berries are packed with vitamin C and dietary fiber, making them a great addition to your pet’s diet. Offer them in moderation as a treat.
  • Cantaloupe: A refreshing fruit, cantaloupe is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. Offer small, peeled, and seedless pieces to your bearded dragon.

Fruits to offer in modest quantities

It’s essential to exercise caution with certain options due to their high sugar content or unfavorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. The following fruits can be offered in moderation:

  • Bananas: Bearded dragons can enjoy small amounts of bananas, which are high in fiber and nutritious. However, their high sugar content calls for moderation.
  • Grapes: While grapes are a favorite among many pets, including bearded dragons, they should be treated as occasional snacks due to their sugar content. Cut them into smaller pieces to prevent choking hazards.
  • Kiwi: With its refreshing taste, kiwi is loved by many. It can be offered to bearded dragons in small amounts occasionally due to its high sugar content.

Fruits for variety and occasional treats

To add further variety to your bearded dragon’s diet, you can offer the following fruits as occasional treats. While these fruits may not offer significant nutritional benefits, they can provide enrichment and a change of taste:

  • Apples: Bearded dragons can enjoy small amounts of apple slices as an occasional treat. Remember to remove the seeds and core before serving.
  • Pear: Offer small pieces of pear to your bearded dragon, ensuring it’s ripe and soft. Remove the seeds and serve in moderation.
  • Watermelon: During the summertime, you can treat your bearded dragon with a small amount of watermelon. Remove the seeds and ensure it’s ripe and sweet.

For a more comprehensive understanding of your bearded dragon’s diet, be sure to check out our articles for further insights into their overall diet:

List of 36 fruits ideal for bearded dragons’ nutrition

This comprehensive list of fruits is designed to help you provide optimal nutrition for your bearded dragon. Each fruit on this list has been chosen based on their nutritional value, digestibility, and suitability for bearded dragons.

Fruit NameTypeFrequencyPreparation RequirementsIn-Season AvailabilityEase of Digestion
PapayaTropicalModerateRemove seedsYear-roundEasy
BlueberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
FigsExoticModerateRemove stem and skinSummerModerate
GuavaTropicalOccasionalRemove skin and seedsYear-roundModerate
BlackberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
MulberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
PersimmonsExoticModerateRemove stem and seedsFallEasy
RaspberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
MangoTropicalModerateRemove skin and pitSummerModerate
ElderberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
KiwiExoticOccasionalRemove skinYear-roundEasy
ApricotsStoneModerateRemove pitSummerModerate
StrawberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
CantaloupeMelonModerateRemove rindSummerEasy
PineappleTropicalOccasionalRemove skin and coreSummerModerate
WatermelonMelonOccasionalRemove rindSummerEasy
CherriesStoneOccasionalRemove pitsSummerEasy
PeachesStoneModerateRemove pitSummerEasy
OrangesCitrusOccasionalPeel and remove white pithWinterEasy
ApplesPomeModerateRemove coreYear-roundEasy
PearPomeModerateRemove core and seedsYear-roundEasy
GrapesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
PlumsStoneModerateRemove pitSummerEasy
CranberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlyFall-WinterModerate
BananaTropicalModeratePeel and cutYear-roundEasy
PeasLegumeOccasionalCooked and mashedSpring-SummerEasy
NectarinesStoneModerateRemove pitSummerEasy
Pomegranate seedsExoticOccasionalRemove seedsFall-WinterModerate
DatesExoticOccasionalRemove pitsYear-roundModerate
LycheeExoticOccasionalRemove skin and pitSummerEasy
BoysenberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
KumquatCitrusOccasionalRemove seedsWinterEasy
KiwiberriesBerriesOccasionalRinse thoroughlySummerEasy
ElderflowerExoticOccasionalUse as garnish or flavoringSummerEasy
Dragon FruitExoticModerateRemove skin and seedsYear-roundEasy

Remember, when introducing new fruits to your bearded dragon, it’s essential to observe their response and adjust accordingly. Each dragon may have individual preferences and tolerances. Always consult with a veterinarian or reptile nutritionist for specific dietary recommendations tailored to your bearded dragon’s needs.

Fruits to avoid for bearded dragons

While some fruits are suitable for bearded dragon consumption, others can pose health risks due to their high oxalate or phosphorus content. Avoid feeding your bearded dragon the following fruits:

Fruit NameReason for AvoidancePotential Risks
AvocadoHigh fat content and toxic componentOrgan damage and digestive issues
ClementineHigh acidity and citric contentDigestive disturbances
RhubarbHigh oxalate content and potential toxicityCalcium depletion and potential kidney issues
CurrantsHigh sugar contentDigestive issues and potential weight gain
Prickly PearPrickly exterior and potential digestive issuesMouth and gastrointestinal discomfort
RaisinsHigh sugar contentDigestive issues and potential weight gain
Yellow PassionfruitHigh sugar contentDigestive issues and potential weight gain
YuzuHigh acidity and citric contentDigestive disturbances
TangerinesHigh acidic contentDigestive disturbances
LemonsHigh acidity contentDigestive disturbances
StarfruitHigh oxalate contentCalcium depletion and potential kidney issues

Fruits diet for different age groups of bearded dragons

This table shows the percentage distribution of fruits in the diet of bearded dragons at different age groups. Including a variety of fruits ensures balanced nutrition across essential vitamins and minerals.

Age GroupFruit Diet ProportionSuggested Fruits
Hatchlings (0-2 months)5-10% of total dietBlueberries, Raspberries, Papaya (seedless), Watermelon (seedless)
Juveniles (3-12 months)10-15% of total dietApples (seedless), Pears (seedless), Grapes (cut into small pieces), Mango (skin and pit removed)
Sub-adults (12-20 months)10-15% of total dietStrawberries, Blackberries, Papaya (seedless), Fig (in moderation)
Adults (20+ months)5-10% of total dietBerries (raspberries, blueberries), Papaya (seedless), Prickly Pear (spines removed)


Why is my bearded dragon not eating fruits?

Bearded dragons may not eat fruits due to several reasons such as personal preference, improper presentation, or a lack of familiarity. It’s important to remember that their diet should primarily consist of leafy greens and appropriate protein sources. Consult a veterinarian if concerns persist.

Are all fruits safe for bearded dragons to eat?

No, not all fruits are safe for bearded dragons. Some fruits have high sugar content or unfavorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratios, making them unsuitable for regular consumption. Stick to fruits known to be safe and nutritious for your scaly friend.

How often should I offer fruits to my bearded dragon?

Fruits should be offered as occasional treats rather than a significant portion of their diet. Once or twice a week is generally a good frequency, provided the fruits are safe and well-tolerated. Remember to adjust the quantity based on your individual bearded dragon’s needs and responses.

What are the signs of an adverse reaction to fruits in bearded dragons?

Signs of an adverse reaction may include diarrhea, constipation, abnormal stool consistency, lethargy, loss of appetite, or changes in behavior. If you notice any of these signs after introducing a new fruit, consult a reptile veterinarian for guidance.


Incorporating a variety of fruits into your bearded dragon’s diet can enhance their nutrition and offer exciting flavors for them to enjoy. 

Remember to choose fruits that are low in oxalates and phosphorus, and always introduce new fruits gradually. Monitoring your dragon’s response is crucial to ensure their digestive health and overall well-being. Don’t forget that fruits should only make up a small portion of their diet, with the majority consisting of vegetables and protein sources. 

Armed with commitment and love, you’ll ensure your bearded dragon enjoys a long, healthy, and vibrant life. After all, a well-fed and happy beardie is truly a sight to behold!

Cheers to a lifetime of happy, healthy bearded dragons!


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